Executive director
Non-executive Director
Independent Non-executive Director

Audit and Risk Management Committee

Chairman of Committee: Cheung Yuk Ming

Members of Committee:Cao Shiqing, Ngai Wai Fung

Rules of the Audit and Risk Management Committee


Remuneration and Appraisal Committee

Chairman of Committee: Cao Shiqing

Members of Committee: Cheung Yuk Ming, Yuan Xin''''an, Ngai Wai Fung

 Rules of the Remuneration and Appraisal Committee


Nomination Committee

Chairman of Committee: Cuizhixiong

Members of Committee: Cheung Yuk Ming, Cao Shiqing

 Rules of the Nomination Committee


Strategy Committee

Chairman of Committee: Cui Zhixiong

Members of Committee: Xiao Yinhong, Cao Jianxiong, Li yangmin, Yuan Xin''''an




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